On Tuesday of this past week, Claire, Sarah and Beth safely touched down in the Cuzco Airport, immediately greeted by a smiling crew, two Korean hatchback taxis, and a pitcher of coca tea. Here, nestled 12,000 feet up in the Andes Mountains, we’ll make our home for the next few months.

Everyone seems to have made the transition extremely well, and has been eager to dive right into the job at hand. Claire, Maxi and PJ have begun working through the logistics of transporting cast and crew, coordinating schedules and securing locations…no small task. Josh, Dan, Beth and Sarah have been busy working with the Peruvian actors, rehearsing and developing the script, as well as seeking out local talent for some of the smaller adult parts.

Chete, the young actor playing the part of Pablo, and William, his comical sidekick Alfredo, have been an absolute inspiration to work with. Each bring a fresh perspective to the story, offering up new ideas each day and a naturalness many professional actors train to achieve. Check out our video below of the boys in action.
Over the weekend, Josh is finalizing the last round of rewrites to the script and early next week we’ll welcome our assistant art director, Sylvia to the compound! And don’t forget, it’s not too late to donate to the film. Every donation large and small is incredibly appreciated; and remember, you’re not only supporting independent art, but a project whose goal is to uplift the Peruvian culture and shed light on the story of Cusco’s countless street children. Simply visit our website at
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